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How to Design the Perfect Room from Start to Finish

If you’re looking for a lifestyle change, instead of doing something you’ll regret, invest your time into a creative project. Since you might regret having your hair cut differently, go for something you won’t regret in the long run. Designing a perfect room from start to finish is definitely one of those you won’t repent.


Seek inspiration online

Since you already know that you want to invest your time and creativity in designing your perfect room, you have to find the right inspo. The online world is full of images, ideas and layouts you may find inspiring to define your own unique style. Don’t be afraid to pin down those images that make your heart flutter on Pinterest and create the ultimate home decor, visual board. This will also help define your style and pick the one you wish to recreate in your own home.


Make a list of things you want

After you collect all pieces of inspiration you find online in the form of pins on Pinterest or other forms of online visual boards, you’ll need to start writing. Find a notebook or buy one for this purpose only. Write down a list of things you want to have in your room. For example - a sofa, two armchairs, floor to ceiling bookshelf, etc. Go into detail as much as possible like describing the type and color of the sofa you want. Write everything down in the form of a list. Group similar things together so that you can refine your choices later one, cross one thing add another and so on. Think of it as some kind of a wish list and also give priority to things. Since you can’t have it all, focus on those that will make you the happiest.


The purpose of this room

When you get started with the planning process, you also have to define the purpose of the room. What will you use this room for? Also, who will use this room? These questions are essential for you to clearly specify the purpose of the room and decorate it accordingly. If the kids will be allowed to use this room on a daily basis, don’t go for easily stained fabrics and light color palettes. Even when you tell your kids to watch themselves, spills and stains g is bound to happen. So, specify the purpose of this room and make a list of furniture and other decorative pieces that fulfill such a purpose.


Start your project

Once you specify your vision with the help of an inspiration board, define the purpose of the room and also who’ll be using it, it’s time to start your project. But before you start, there’s another thing you have to decide. Now’s the time to decide if you want to hire an award winning interior designer who’ll find a way to turn your ideas into a reality. An expert will translate your ideas into achievable results. They will save you a lot of time and you’ll still be the one picking the fabrics, tiles and other essentials needed to design a perfect room.


Take proper measurements

It’s better to measure everything twice, then to make poor judgment and invest in something you’ll have to return or end up not using it. Proper measurements will help you decide which furniture piece fits best, especially if you’re having trouble deciding which one to pick. Sometimes we like something but it won’t fit into the layout of the room, so it’s not even worth purchasing. You can even draw a rough picture of the room with the allowed measurements of each piece of furniture, so you won’t make any mistake.


The budget

The budget is last on our list but it isn’t the least important one. The budget is just as essential as having a plan, knowing the purpose of the room and having a wish list of items you want to buy. It will also help you when you can’t decide whether to buy that new sofa along with the armchairs or not. The right budget is there to guide you along the way so that you’ll make smart decisions and choices. If something is not within your budget, you can save it for later and purchase it along the way. Remember that furnishing a room with all the finest details takes time and requires a lot of patience.


Designing a perfect room can be your number one project this year. This change will definitely level up your life and bring novelty into it.